It's a nice color on him. Purple. It contrasts well against the little half glasses he wears with the ear pieces straining not to break as they hug his corpulent head. He huffs and puffs and smoke emits from his ears. Those EARS. I've never seen ears like that. Those lobes are quite the flappers. And when Ted is in full flight, it is truly a beautiful thing. That is what we were privileged to see today at the Alito Hearings. It happened when Arlen grew some gonads and told Ted he was not in charge of the committee and was not going to be able to run it. I kept rubbing my eyes as I saw Ted morph into W.C. Fields and back again, over and over and over. His hands trembling because he had likely had to go more than an hour without a cocktail in them. Shaken, not stirred. Meanwhile, Alito sat calmly at his seat watching the whole process devolve into bickering amongst the elected elite.
Ted tried, but failed, to resurrect his issue regarding the Vanguard trial. He beat that dead horse until it was nothing but a puddle of Elmer's glue. Too bad that stuff was always non-toxic.
Ah yes. Then there was that CAP group that Ted and his ilk want to depict as some Neanderthal organization, one step away from hoods and crosses. But, once again they fall short. As each question regarding Alito's involvement is preceded by some lengthy description of human rights violations, Alito simply states he has not participated in any of the activities described by Ted. This gives Ted an opening at looking as though he may be on to something. But once those outside the hearings and with actual knowledge of the group begin to explain its purpose, this false advancement of the left vanishes as the big lie it is. These hearings are great recreation for those of us who are tired of the Ted's, the Harry's, the Dan Rathers and the Feinsteins of the world. More to come.
Ted tried, but failed, to resurrect his issue regarding the Vanguard trial. He beat that dead horse until it was nothing but a puddle of Elmer's glue. Too bad that stuff was always non-toxic.
Ah yes. Then there was that CAP group that Ted and his ilk want to depict as some Neanderthal organization, one step away from hoods and crosses. But, once again they fall short. As each question regarding Alito's involvement is preceded by some lengthy description of human rights violations, Alito simply states he has not participated in any of the activities described by Ted. This gives Ted an opening at looking as though he may be on to something. But once those outside the hearings and with actual knowledge of the group begin to explain its purpose, this false advancement of the left vanishes as the big lie it is. These hearings are great recreation for those of us who are tired of the Ted's, the Harry's, the Dan Rathers and the Feinsteins of the world. More to come.
1 comment:
Awesome job. You should have a colum for the world to read. You have a real gift of enlighting and humorus writing. I really enjoy reading your blogs.
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