I spent time watching the Alito confirmation hearings today. I was not surprised by Kennedy's questions, which were more him making statements that were misleading with a question mark at the end. I also was not surprised by the stupified looks these guys had on their faces when Alito's answers left them no way to exclaim AH HA!!!!!!!! What surprised me was that the media decided that the reason the hearing went off without a fight today was that the Dem's just didn't have their game faces on. The truth of the matter is, Alito was too smart for their sophomoric antics. He gave good answers and therefore, the senators simply could not continue to try to get their answers where they did not exist. Alito has a brain. Kennedy has a pickled chunk of hardened grey matter floating in Gin. Shumer has an I-beam keeping his head from simply imploding in on itself. They had their game on, it is simply a substandard game. It is Podunk High v. The Yankees. I, for one, am not sure what about their own voices gives these guys such a charge, but Alito politely chewed them up and spit them out. He had the patience of a saint. I would have had to ask Teddy to pour another Beafeater's and pull his pants up. It will be interesting to see how things go in the coming days. In the end, we will have another member of the actual thinking public making the most critical legal decisions society comes up with. No married-to-the-ACLU Ginsburg. No Turncoat like Suter.
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