So, thanks to Harry Reid, the Patriot Act is dead. He killed it. He even said he did. Funny - an attorney who would admit to murder. You would think he would know better, you know, since he is a lawyer and all. Now he has back paddled so fast he looks a year younger. But he didn't start spouting about his rights against self-incrimination. He is that out of touch with reality. But then, I do feel sorry for the guy, given by his own claim he didn't even have an English class in that one room school/double for a chicken coop he had to attend. Poor guy whining about not having a silver spoon, which in his peanut brain seems to come with an Oxford dictionary, giving him a large disadvantage against the big boys. I bet he walked four miles uphill in snow to get to school each day, too. Any school with no English class must have a lot of snow and bad weather. Out there in the far reaches of Searchlight, I am not sure what language they speak. According to his own website he still lives there and is "guided by the lessons that he learned there." Golly. That is a bit scary given he has the job of addressing some pretty complicated stuff and never even had English in school! And to think he was partner in a law firm in Las Vegas!
Well, a closer read of the ol' web site reveals that he could be telling the truth about English in Searchlight. That is, if you realize he attended middle school and high school in Henderson Nevada. Perhaps he got caught up there. Here is where the story really takes off! On the generosity of others he was able to attend COLLEGE. Of Course, Homey didn't go to school in Nevada--- he went to Utah State. Now, I am not sure, but I do believe, even in the olden days of the 50's and 60's, UNR was open for business. As a matter of fact, a check of the University of Nevada Reno reveals that there were 2000 students attending there in 1958 in what would have been Harry's freshman year. Moreover, if this guy really had a hankering to see his home state be more than a rest spot for the mob, he would have attended UNLV for all they offered and then transferred on to a degree granting school. Next, this guy who is lucky he can read the funny papers went to George Washington University Law School in Washington D.C. In 2005 that school was ranked 9th. Pretty impressive. Private, too. I guess Mr. Entitlement learned his ways early on. Of course, who am I to even open my mouth? I had English in school from top to bottom and attended a much lower ranked, public law school - William S. Boyd at UNLV. Seems it would be kind of tough for him to criticize me though, given he would have to abandon his own arguments against the Goliaths he faces every day. But then, he commonly backs himself into corners. We'll keep our eyes peeled on old Harry.
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