It has been acknowledged that the mainstream media has had an uphill battle against the Right's radio dominance. It is also clear that bloggers have had an impact as well. However, has the surge by the Right gone to the heads of some of the very people who helped it happen?
1. Hannity.
Now, Hannity is just too "nice." He spends a lot of time making sure each of his guests knows he likes them and that they are great friends. Really. How can you like people who are systematically tearing apart this country? Start nailing these people instead of wasting segment time snuggling up to them. When you do finally get mad, don't just repeat what you have been saying for months, but directly challenge their points head on like a speeding train. I recall argument after argument that just fall by the wayside as a result of Hannity not being quick enough on his feet - not the least of which was the interview where he admits not hearing (was it Boxer, Feinstein or Pelosi?) state that people outside the metro area had no brains.
2. O'Reilly,
He does o.k. But he often argues with lawyers about the law without having his ducks in a row. He needs to understand that the law functions a certain way, right or wrong. He can't just say it shouldn't be a certain way and feel he has won when the law, as explained by legal experts, differs. Furthermore, turn off the mike on those who just give speeches instead of answer questions.
We certainly have the moral high ground, but we have to start calling it as we see it instead of placating the Left. There simply is no reason to pretend we think the Left is engaged in the discussion they so often claim we quash. Unless we say what they want to hear, they call foul. So, let's take off the gloves and start really dismantling the arguments of the Left.
2. O'Reilly,
He does o.k. But he often argues with lawyers about the law without having his ducks in a row. He needs to understand that the law functions a certain way, right or wrong. He can't just say it shouldn't be a certain way and feel he has won when the law, as explained by legal experts, differs. Furthermore, turn off the mike on those who just give speeches instead of answer questions.
We certainly have the moral high ground, but we have to start calling it as we see it instead of placating the Left. There simply is no reason to pretend we think the Left is engaged in the discussion they so often claim we quash. Unless we say what they want to hear, they call foul. So, let's take off the gloves and start really dismantling the arguments of the Left.
It is about time that we have someone on the right who is as well written as you. Are you really a Brisbane resident ? I have lived here for 30 years and thought that my wife and I were the only conservites in town.
I am Rightzilla, the blog founder. Drivenmad is the resident of Brisbane. I live in the bowels of liberal Hell now.....Las Vegas......ground zero for Harry Reid.
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