Sandoval gives up a lifetime appointment many say was only given to him by Harry Reid in order to keep Sandoval from running against him for the U.S. Senate. Tho locals are predicting he has given up the prestigious and lucrative job in order run for governor. After all, Jim Gibbons pretty much jumped the shark even before his election. Nobody but Jim thinks he is re-electable. Conventional wisdom says that should he run for Governor of Nevada, his opponent in the general election would be none other than Rory Reid, son of the useless, onerous Senate Majority Leader Himself. Rory has been around Nevada politics for a long time. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Rightzilla thinks he may ahve his eye on another Reid, the old man himself.........Icky Harry...you know...he is the one who calls tourists stinky. I say, which ever position Mr. Sandoval (former Attorney General, Assemblyman and Federal Judge) decides to take on, he must be pretty confident he has the cash coming and support to beat a Reid. I hope so, because like cockroaches, you gotta squash them all to get rid of the pleague they present.
If Mr. Sandoval prevails in either fight, it is Rightzilla's hope that he will put Yucca back on the map as a storage facility for nuclear waste. It has to go somewhere and it was quite a process, beginning clear back in 1978, even getting to the point where Yucca was the choice. Then we spent BILLIONS getting it built only to see NOBAMA begin to deliver the final deathnell. We will keep our eye on this as it develops.
If Mr. Sandoval prevails in either fight, it is Rightzilla's hope that he will put Yucca back on the map as a storage facility for nuclear waste. It has to go somewhere and it was quite a process, beginning clear back in 1978, even getting to the point where Yucca was the choice. Then we spent BILLIONS getting it built only to see NOBAMA begin to deliver the final deathnell. We will keep our eye on this as it develops.
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