We heard the President speak tonight regarding his new plan in Iraq. It was a concise and coherent briefing on what would happen next. No real surprises. However, what was interesting was Dickie Turban's response. After spending the beginning of his remarks poo-pooing the presidents plan and painting a grim picture of the Iraq experience, he started reeling off what we had given the Iraqis while we have been there........we had captured their dictator, seen through to his execution, gotten to the point where they were holding elections and on and on. Afterwards, I expected the talking heads to point out the obvious contradiction in Turbans remarks: HE ACKNOWLEDGED MUCH SUCCESS IN IRAQ!!!!!!!!!! It stymies me when these things simply float over the heads of those who sit in their chairs, powder on their faces where egg should be. They pontificate about what they heard but miss the nuances that a good debater would chomp down on like a pit bull on a wiener dog. Weeks. Months. Years of how we have done nothing good in Iraq, spent too much money and lost too many lives. Yet on the heels of such remarks look at all we gave them. CHECK-MATE. The liberals lose. We HAVE had much success. And as far as war goes, we have had little in the way of American human loss. (insert caveat that each life is valuable). Fact is, war is death and we see as much death in an American city as we have seen throughout this entire war. Difference being those dead in the cities did not sign up for the job of ... er... SOLDIER.
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