Friday, December 23, 2005

Does Alan Colmes Really Think He Can Debate?

So. Though I rarely watch any Hannity and Colmes anymore, from time to time I find it on my TV. I am never used to the whining, unintelligent "neener neener neener" cadence to Combs' voice. I fully expect his red face and pursed lips to cave in to "MY DAD CAN BEAT UP YOUR DAD!" while projectile tears fly from his defeated eyes. He never has struck me as having a wit of knowledge which begs the question: Why did Fox get this former fix-it show idiot for a political format? I think the guy sniffed too much carpet glue or had one too many hammers fall on his head. He needs to go the way of Paul Begala. If they can put a man on the moon, surely there could be a bedwetting, liberal more suited for a point/counterpoint format. Oh. I do see the inherent problem. Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year! No Kwaanza on my watch. This is a holiday time for the Jews and the Christians. The rest of you can just buck up and put up with it in the spirit of acceptance and diversity!!!!! Hey! Does his nose look like Michaels?

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